A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Thank you for the kind wishes on yesterday's blip.

Today was the day that kept on giving. Not being a scientist I threw both all the mega drugs the Spanish medics prescribed with a late night session of the annual L&SPTWTR* meeting at my illness so it is hard to say which had the most beneficial effect. But after I had woken up and literally smelled the coffee (thanks to MrB) I felt considerably better. More doses of everything have kept me fully functioning for a whole day.

Which basically meant making post pool pancakes for the kids before heading to the mountains for a long, long lunch at the place we found last week. A very fine lunch which ended with chatting to a large party enjoying birthday celebrations. Turned out they were the owners of the restaurant, the gathering was for the 85 year old grandmother and they kindly shared their homemade Parachan with us (after Sue and I had stared at it longingly). Apparently they also have a place down in Almunecar where they grow the fruit they use in the restaurant and they also gave us these mangoes. Which are so good that two of us who frankly dislike mangoes happily munched away on them this evening. We have arranged to be there for lunch the same day next year and now have to get our thinking caps on for what gifts we can reciprocate with. As well as take some of our avocados to complete a discussion on which varieties are the best.

After MrB had done a splendid job of mannying by both giving the kids a lecture about black swans (with a black swan in the background) and talking them for a walk to see a Roman bridge we finished up our liquers and managed to walk up the hill back to the cars.

Home for a late swim, a late idle buffet - coined by MrB when a running buffet sounded too much effort, and late night terrace chat.

A fine Spanish Sunday,
Lesley x

*Lesley & SooB put the world to rights - so you can all stand now, it's all sorted, as I'm sure you noticed when you woke up this morning.

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