A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Not falling down

Later there was a dramatic fall off a wall into a rose bush. But after an initial moment of a lot of drama, blood and secateurs she walked away relatively unscathed. Fortunately. And she did get to have a sneaky bit of chocolate for the shock and earns the honour of being today's blip.

This morning the kids had their first windsurfing lessons which were all far more successful all round than we had all expected. Which either says something about our terrible parenting or their sporting prowess.

Their efforts (and ours - photography, shopping and a little light kayaking) were rewarded with lunch. Then home for siestas before Carl and I headed into town to do useful purchasing of technological things to make the internet work better and restocking of supplies for the final holiday hurdle. And then a very fine steak dinner and discussions of favourite wars (or favourite war names - War of Jenkins' Ear featured heavily).

Lesley x

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