Taking his sport seriously...

The penultimate day of tour and the morning was devoted to the Classic Race which is challenging for the juniors who need to use everything they have learned this week to tackle courses in Inshriach Forest.

Then after lunch........it's the Fun Relay with coaches and juniors competing in teams of three to complete six different legs around Lagganlia ensuring that their team balloon does not burst en route. The Junior coaches had challenged each other to find a suitable racing outfit from a charity shop for under £5 and this is Mikey's choice....particularly handy for storing his balloon during the race! There was much high jinx and sabotage going on.

The orienteering week effectively over (do take a look at my backblips) we showered and dug out some decent clothes and had a very civilised and delicious evening meal followed by 'Lagganlia's Got Talent' and the prize-giving.

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