
By Katy8

Shades of grey..........

The wild weather predicted for the weekend rolled in today instead. Parts of Sydney have been lashed and the winds have picked up during the afternoon.
I put off going out to get my blip in the hope there may be a break but instead it got progressively worse. By the time I went out it was blowing an absolute gale and the rain was starting again. There was a 4 m swell predicted and the tide was running out so I decided the coast was a bad idea, heading instead for the Brisbane Water.
There was some nice light but the waves were about 30 cm in height so I added an extra filter to up the exposure to 4 seconds and smoothed out most of the action.

My favourite derelict jetty nearby was actually UNDER water so quite literally a wash out!

I felt like an icebock by the time I got back in the car and had to engage the heated seats for the drive home.

My melancholy and unsettled mood of the last few days persists.

I am trying hard to catch up on what seems like an avalanche of comments- I really know there aren't that many but I am quite behind. I promise to try to get some commenting time in this evening.

I hope you all stay safe in the wild and woolly!

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