
By Katy8


High tide and a 3.8 m swell combined with an ongoing storm.......I headed to North Avoca after work.
Feeling rather fed up with my malaise of the last few days I sought out the energy of the storm, hoping to flush away the cobwebs.
Daughter came along to run the beach for some exercise whilst I played with my photography.
After just a few shots a young gentleman walked past and up onto the rocks higher up. I watched him carefully feeling quite anxious at the possible danger to him and I could see his Mum coming from further along the beach.
When she caught up we got to chatting. "John" is autistic- his Mum was shadowing him . He was caught up in the storm. I talked about the possibility of one of the very large waves catching him unawares and she said it has happened before. Thankfully , he remained safe if a little wet.
We had a lovely talk that ambled about through varied topics..... Australia, how lucky we are to live here, the other places in the world we had been, our work (both medical), John's challenges.........

I left the photography alone. I listened, we connected.

I came home feeling completely invigorated and completely thankful.......

Life is good.

I couldn't choose which shot so I have added another to my portfolio in case you have time to drop by.

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