
A double bill at The Stand today, separated by about, ooh, eight hours of Other Non-Festival Activities.

I seem to have to cross St Andrews Square a lot at the moment and on the way to this morning's first half of the double, namely Bridget Christie's hard-hitting, yet still very funny show (pretty brilliantly done, to tell the truth), I was quite surprised to see a bit of a crowd watching the demolition going on. It's, erm, usually just me who seems interested.

Right, second half of the double is Josie Long in a few hours time. Really looing forward to that one. And it's highly likely I'll be passing this building again on the way to York Place from Princes St. I'll have a glance to see where they're at, but the camera's staying at home tonight for sure. There's always tomorrow after all...

The Music That's Playing In My Kitchen Right Now As I Type.

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