
Quick recap, in a word-of-mouth recommendation kind of style - that Josie Long last night was really, really good. She's all sold out for the rest of her run but there's always a few returns it seems to reward the determined. Big thumbs-up. It helped that I got there early, bagged a really good seat for once and this track by the fabulous Joanna Newsom was playing over the PA as I entered the room.

Anyway, today we've had some work at work, some work at home, and the biggest swim I could fit in until I was required domestically. Tonight, I'm going 'international' on the festival front, taking my eldest to see The Kronos Quartet. I'm sure I'll enjoy it, hope she does too, and if she doesn't...well, there's always the interval ice-cream to look forward to.

Summer Overture.

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