Biscuit in a ray of sunshine

I had a long day at work followed by a walk in the woods with the boys.

It has been a very wet morning with lots of rain, but the weather looked lovely, when we were ready for our walk. We were surprised by a quick, but very wet rain squall though... but it was still a nice walk.

Grazing horses.

I just watched a programme on TV, where they asked 4 Danes to tell a small story in the dialect used in the area of Denmark that they come from. I am ashamed to admit that I only understood 2 out of 4 stories. I understood the one from Fyn (the island in the middle of Denmark) and the one from Zealand, where I live, but I only understood bits of the 2 different Jutlandic dialects. I live in a tiny country! Only 5 million people live here and apparently I only understand about half of them!!!

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

PS. Most of the time Danes speak Standard Danish, which everyone understands.

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