Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Victorian House

We have admired the Victorian house at the north of town from our beginning here. We've driven past, ooohed and awwwwed, and taken photos. Today we were in the Seniors Thrift Store and while I was paying for my purchase, I asked the elderly lady if she lived here. "Oh yes!" She said.

Then Mr. Fun asked where. She told him that her home was the Victorian at the north end of town. We both erupted with our praise for the beauty of her home as we had viewed it from a distance.

She then invited us to stop later in the afternoon to see the home. We were thrilled.

She and her husband built the house 40 years ago while they were still living in Sierra Madre (near Pasadena). Her husband was a jewelry designer, actually a goldsmith. She explained that a jeweler fixes watches and her husband never fixed a watch. She has been widowed for 15 years.

Her home is abdolutely beautiful. The view of the ocean and the pier are breath-taking. We spent an hour inside her home listening as she told us lots of Cayucos history. It was an honor to be invited into her home this afternoon. We were complete strangers to her; she treated us like friends.

Good night from California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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