Costa del Porty

The sun shone, the wind had faded to a breeze, autumn had taken a backward step and suddenly it was summer again.

With a spring in our steps, His Lordship and I got the bus to the seaside.
We tested the scones at the Beach Café on the prom at Portobello and rated them below Whitmuir and M&S, but nevertheless still very good.

Our table was outside hard against the seawall and we had no difficulty in imagining we were abroad in one of the quieter beach resorts, without the need to pass through any busy airports to get there and pay for the travelling.

The tide was in, and we drank our coffee to the sound of wavelets breaking on the shore; after the maelstrom of Edinburgh City Centre, we had found quieter waters.

This baby starling showed no fear as it perched on an adjoining chair; it seemed more interested in the children playing over the wall in the sand.

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