at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Blast from the past

Ivy has been wearing this particullarly granny grant original since she was teeny tiny. The arms are maybe getting a little short now- but at least we don't have to roll them up anymore...

Ivy wasn't nearly as bad with Euan being gone as she could have been, she didn't look for him once and she slept through lunch time (in a mammoth 2 hour nap).

We were heading out to see Euan after school, and Ivy was all ready to go and I was just putting my boots on when she zoomed off up the stairs and tripped. She only fell down 4 steps before I caught her (she fell from step number 5) and was fine but it was a very stressfull experience. She snuggled into my shoulder all the way to the school and I wondered if she had a concusion, but she perked up when she saw Euan and was able to respond to all her usual words (like putting her tongue out for 'tongue'). Stairgating has been work in progress for a while, as we had to finish banisters first and havn't had the right bit (but It has now been bumped right to the top of the to-do list)

She went down for her afternoon nap fine, but Euan coming in woke her up, so we went out to Ardmair to John's chalet to lend and drop off clean sheets and towels for guests coming up to save him an 8 hour round trip up from near stirling to do it himself. I was very pleased i'd done a bedding wash recently and had stuff clean to lend. Took us a while to get into the chalet as there's a new fancy james bond style lock. Ivy perused the bookcase whilst Euan and I did a quick tidy up and cleaned the cooker and sinks.

This photo is also a blast from the past as Ivy is wearing an old school terry toweling nappy instead of her usual fancy fancy ones. This is becuase she currently has the most hurrendous nappy rash, when she doesn't have a nappy on i've got her in one of these as it means I can smoother her in barrier cream without ruining the nappies and i've left the wrap off so I can change her as soon as it feels even a little bit damp. She's also been swapped from disposable nappy liners to fleece ones, which means i've had to master my poo 'flick' instead of my usual flush.

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