
By Fido


Look, that, over there. A cow. Oh and another one and oh, oh, dat!! 'vooooo'

I love how my littlest boy adores being outside and pointing and commenting on all around him. He hasn't got any words yet but he comments all the time with hand gestures and nods of the head and long complicated sentences. I wish I knew all what he was saying.

I guess I should have included a picture of the older two in all their back to school finest, taken at the front door this morning; but while I am incredibly proud of how they both got themselves organised, how they excitedly walked to school and how they coped with, no enjoyed, even relished, their new classes and teachers and classmates on the first day of P3 and P4, it was on my walk home along the railway path with the littlest that was the most special moment of today.

His trial session at his childminder went ok. I left him for about 40 minutes and he apparently only sobbed for 15 before he was happily distracted with some paper and colored pencils. He's back in on Friday and then it's back to work for me from next Tuesday.

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