Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Early One Morning ....

Well actually, early most mornings in summer, I try to get out with the Rockster before I get ready for work. No matter how knackered sorry, tired, I am. As all early risers will know, the sight and smell of the new day is almost always better than the next 12 hours!

This lovely green space is called The Den of Methven, and was gifted to the people of the village by the Smythe family, who were important local landowners. There is a steeply sloping field leading down to the wee path which follows the burn, which is crossed at 2 points by wee footbridges.

It's a popular dog walking spot, it's where the annual Duck Race is held, and there are benches for picnicking. It's looked after by a band of village volunteers, and I'm ashamed to say I am not one of them.

Maybe after the Referendum is over I'll try to dedicate some of that time to keeping my own doorstep clean and tidy.

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