Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Champagne stays in the fridge!

Today was my student/colleague's Viva for her doctorate, I mentioned this when she handed it in. I am allowed to sit in as her supervisor but can only observe and not speak. So for upwards of two hours I sat and watched her give a great defence of her work, compiled over eight years.

However the three examiners were tough and though they liked it there was a number of issues which meant that she has to do some minor re-writing over the next year or less if she completes early. It was a disappointment and despite so much being complementary there is further work to do. If anyone thought getting a PhD was easy then this is an object lesson. She has been a great student and with some focused work she will get there.

But the champagne stayed in the fridge and I kept it out of sight so there was no added disappointment.

I had hoped to post a picture of her toasting her success with the champagne but we will get there!

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