After a bakery breakfast (yes Mum more food!!) we caught the bus (1 of 2 and the driver basically tells you where you will go and was quite funny....when I asked if there was a tour..."no one road down same road back"
We went to visit...

#the caves we climbed down 400+ steps, at least it was cool! K wasn't quite sure and came back up after 300 steps. The views from the top of the island were stunning.

We were then dropped off at a small beach and told "you go bathe..I back in 1 hour"..ok then !?!?
The Rev sat in the sea reading his book... so English!!!

#on the next beach J tried to teach K to skimming pebbles!!!! so romantic!!!. Sadly the lads newly purchased beach brollies couldn't be used as the wind was so bad....we had a quick dip or 2 just to earn a few calories for another meal

#at the beach taverna.

TODAY'S SMILE:my kind son helping his poor old mum to climb back up 400+ steps!!!

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