...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn


As I reflect back on the years, I see changes, big changes. Some took a devastating event so that the change could take place. Changes that were subtle, over a long period of time. Changes that happened in a heartbeat, and caught us by surprise. Painful changes, like a surgeon's scalpel that burned without anesthetic. Gentle changes that were gladly welcomed and embraced.

Reflect: that was the theme of our youth Winter Camp last weekend. It is good to look back. Pastor Tony made it clear to the kids, sometimes you have to look back to look forward. Clean up the past to move ahead.

We aren't close to perfect, perfectionism is a thick web and it is something that I don't want to get tangled back into. We blow it, and stupid things come out of our mouths. If we are truthful with our own thoughts, we will admit that some things are said out of embarrassment of being called out on an 'imperfection'. Sometimes it is out of hurt, we lash back with a rude word or dirty look. I am a dirty looker. I flash the boo-boo face, I roll my eyes, I have even stuck my tongue right out, just like a little kid. Ridiculous! I did that to my brother when I was little, my mom saw me and I got Tabasco Sauce (hot sauce) on my tongue, but apparently, I didn't learn. This isn't typical, I don't do it much anymore, I try to be an adult. The key word is try!!!!

I am not great at sharing my feelings of hurt. I am better at writing them, harder face to face. I have changed over the years. Silent treatment was my revenge. My husband came from a family of just the opposite. There were character assassins in his family of origin and he learned from the best. He could lecture me literally for hours. I could cry and think, I am a horrible person. He would convince me of that. Well, that was a life time ago.
I can reflect back and know that it was all for a reason. We have shared our story may times with others, and a few months ago with our entire church. You know how much I love to get in front of an audience...yikes! But I did it!!! Growth/change in action!!! :]

Changes-Reflection-Pain-Joy....this is LIFE. This is all part of the growth process. Many times we almost gave up, threw in the towel, but it wasn't meant to be. We needed to triumph and survive. So here we are, reflecting on the Good, the Bad and the Ugly and smiling on the Awesome, the Bumps in the road and the JOY!!!!

Reflection....change....and looking forward!!!

It's all good!!!


Yes, it is JoJo again. Sorry, but the puddle was calling my name!!!! Upside down, yep...the artsy side!!! :)

Go Saints!!!

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