
By BrownBuddy1

Ormonde Hill

"What am I missing"
"I'm the poser today Bud, I'm getting the treat today"
"I'm coming, I'm coming, make room for me"
"Too late Bud, I've eaten it."

He did get a treat too, but had to sit with the other two first.

Lovely walk up Ormonde Hill again with Callie and owner.

Directions for Ormonde Hill

From Munlochy follow the main road to Avoch/Fortrose
On entering Avoch turn right, signed Burnside Garage.
Follow road as it bears right alongside the shore
At end of shore bear right up the hill
Take the second left, signed Bay Farm
Continue along this single track road until you reach a small Carpark on the left.
Walk through gate and into the woods
After about 20-30 mins you reach a picket fence around the castle mound.
Go through gate, follow path up to the top.
Stand and gaze.

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