Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Well deserved beer

Early start this morning as I had arranged to go on a bike ride with SB and the Dalmeny 8:01 club. Drove over to SB's house and headed over to Dalmeny station. Large group out and it was very windy. Stayed at the back of the pack out of the way as I still have enough on my plate staying on the bike. We headed over the windy bridge and out towards Loch Leven. The others were planning on going to Dollar, however I needed to be back in town for a flat viewing at noon so SB and me had a quick stop off at the top of Loch Leven for coffee before heading home.
Not very nice on the way back as the wind picked up. Spent most of the time worrying about being blown off. Big thanks to SB for being patient with the old learner at the back. Nice to get a long 58.5K ride done.

Came home and headed out to look at another house. This time out of our price range but wanted to confirm we had made the correct choice. Turns out we had. Spent the rest of the day sorting things out before going up town to meet JD and SR for a few drinks.
Came back with JD for a dram and a beer before going to bed.

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