Wet & Dry

SWMBO has been wet a couple of times today when walking PD and taking The Cygnet to nursery.
I managed to avoid the rain (it helps when you are inside most of the day).

The European and her family called round for a gift exchange before they drive back to Germany.
The heavens opened as they started to leave.
Then she realised she had forgotten something in the boot.
I couldn't resist blipping the elegant way she closed the tailgate .....she was either getting wet or had wet herself.

Squirrel emptied out as many toys and books as she could this afternoon.
If I wasn't reading to her she was reading to herself.
I think she is going to read in the bath when she is older.

When Bags was peeling spuds, Squirrel tried to help.
When she realised it wasn't working for her she decided to eat it as it was.

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