Plimsolls and petticoats

By JulieMorrison

Fergus and daddy

Mummy wasn't impressed that I was up at 3am then 4am she says if it happens again she's not feeding me, so I better remember to space me feeds better through the night.

Daddy took me to book bug again today, we played with the sparkly blanket and I chatted to the other babies. I can't wait till I'm a bigger boy and can catch one of the bookbugs but till then chewing the blanket will have to do.

When we got home mummy gave me Banana mashed in a bowl and a bit unmashed I managed to get the skin in my mouth before mummy peeled it and left me with the gooey insides.

Mummy went to get a make over so it had a nap before going to visit Gran.

Because I'm a bigger boy now I got a second meal this time I got papaya with baby rice.

Then daddy chucked some water over himself from my toy box and the washing basket, sometimes I do worry about him and mummy!

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