Esquires on Quay Street

Made an urgent appointment with the dentist this morning, due to a painful spasm in the masseter muscles due to a bit of tooth inflammation. Needed to cancel some of my patients to get the time. He's made it a lot better.

My actual dentist (whom I have been seeing for over forty years now) was away and so I missed out on the fabulous view over the harbour from his 12th floor surgery. His associate (whom I saw) has the room without the view. The camera stayed in my pocket while I was there, and came out when I was back at street level.

Another in my cafe series. Just over two weeks ago I wrote that I have avoided including cafes from the chains. This was my only photo today. And, anyway, Esquires make good coffee as well as claiming to be good guys. So I decided that even originating in Vancouver they qualified for "Two out of three ain't bad".

I liked that the sun is bright on an August morning (those in the Northern hemisphere should think February), and that customers are sitting outside enjoying the warmth. The winds of recent weeks were absent today.

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