
By ScarletMonkey

Room with a view

This is the view from the house I am staying at.

Today was entirely different to yesterday with no random grumpiness. I started changing my classroom. The rigid rows are gone, I stuck a giant periodic table over the horrid security shutter (my classroom used to be a shop), I tied up the depressing grey curtain so there's more light. This helped feelings, but overall I think feeling just a normal level of tired instead of like I was dying helped.

I also discovered some exciting things about school: Firstly, the Thai food that is cooked fresh daily as school dinner is unlimited, well we can have as many servings as we like until the food runs out. It's also free and tasty. Secondly is office 3. Office 1 is general admin, office 2 is accounting and finance and office 3 is the pub. They have Friday club!!! I couldn't go today but so very happy at its existence.

One thing really struck me as different. I had a lesson with bottom set year 9 on a Friday afternoon and afterwards I was happier than when the lesson started. Happier.

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