
By dp

Amsterdam - Day 2

A very murky start - mist covering the canals of the Jordaan area of Amsterdam.

We both slept until past 10am in the best bed ever (official). After brekkie in situ (juice and muffins from Albert Heijn with fresh coffee) we eventually tore ourselves away from it and headed along the Prinsengracht to the museum area, calling in to the Van Gogh museum for a few hours. It's been a few years since we visited so we enjoyed seeing the old masters again, with favourites such as Wheatfield With Crows still impressing.

Back via the shops to De Prins (another fave) for a yummy lunch, washed down with a few Heinekens. And after a short nap it was off out again for dinner at Brasserie Harkema in the city centre - final old favourite (we're creatures of habit), but it didn't disappoint, with three courses and a bottle of the red stuff proving to be excellent once again.

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