In a little nest

David was clearing some space ready for his new motorbike when he uncovered this little nest. I think it is a field vole and there were three naked and blind babies inside. We left it alone and watched as the mother returned took one and hid it and then returned taking another and we think it picked up the other baby and ran for cover. We moved the nest into cover and when we looked later it was covered in leaves again so hopefully they will survive.

Grass is the field voles main source of food. If they are lucky they can live up to a year but they are one of the main sources of prey for owls, foxes, stoats, weasels and I should think pinemarten and hedgehogs .
The breeding season begins in March/April and ends in October/ September possibly having 6 litters with usually four to six in ach litter.
This nest had three babies left but it may have been disturbed before we saw it. The nest was made of dry grass and leaves and hidden between some slabs. The babies will be covered in fur by day 10 and weaned at around day 16. The females are able to breed at 6 weeks old.

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