Year 2, Day 215 - Evening Light

It was a lovely day today! Got all the bed linen washed, hung out and put back on the beds, although, when I nipped out to get my flat tyre sorted, it was raining fairly heavy and I thought the washing was going to be soaked but it stayed dry over here!

It only cost £12 to get the puncture repaired which I was mega chuffed about as the tyres are only about 4 months old and now that I work from home, I don't go very far during the week so there's not much wear and tear on them!

Dale and I fired up the BBQ for salmon and potatoes tonight - delicious!

I had planned to take the night off and watch some TV but ended up spending 2 hours trying to sort Dale's laptop and I think I made some headway... It turns out the battery that keeps the time going must be dead so the laptop sets itself to the 1st January 2000 so when you connect to the internet it thinks all the webpage certificates are not in use yet!!! Bloody computers!!!!!

I looked up and out the window and the light was just fantastic - my photo doesn't do it justice though!

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