Dullest Picture Ever.....

So today was practically a complete disaster....nearly!

Had a really long meeting that over ran......

Left work to go pick up Wedding Cake & Wedding Flowers......I had to get to the cake shop by 5......I left work @ 15:45....plenty of time!!!

Chris called to tell me Cake shop lady was closing early.....16:30!!! Ok getting worried but still should make it.....

Got to train station.....trains cancelled.....next train in 30 minutes.....Ok really starting to panic now !!!

Cannot find a single taxi.....anywhere!!! Really Really Freaking out now !!!!

Finally find taxi......the slowest taxi driver in all of Sydney !!!

Get home grab car & Andrea.......drive at the speed of light...ish to cake shop.....just make it !!!

Cake not packaged very well, been told to put it in boot, have nothing to stop it sliding around in there.......

Drive to Flower shop.....alot slower than the speed of light.....

Have to abandon car in a no parking zone, get lots of beeps & hand gestures from some of Sydneys famously friendly drivers....

Head home, pack car & head off to the Blue Mountains....

Everything going well......that is until we encountered the worst storm I have every driven through.....the rain was so heavy I couldn't see where I was going, bolts of lightning were striking literally right beside our car....I am not exaggerating, a bolt struck a telephone pole as we drove past it sending sparks flying up in the air !!!! About as scared as I have ever been in a car & I've be in one driven by Andrea !!!!

Got stuck in traffic for about 35 minutes cause of a landslide....did I forget to mention that because of all the heavy rain they have had up the Mountains there was a train derailment & road closure yesterday.....it has been very very wet !!

So we finally made it to Blackheath despite all of the above & the cake / flower cargo were unharmed.......for now !!!

After catching up with Chris & Maja's parents & a spot of birthday cake for dinner it was on to the house we were staying in that night & a well earned whiskey !!!

As you can see with all the excitement I forgot to take a picture so what you get was taken in the garden of the house we stayed in @ about 11:45 !!!

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