4 years of rockin' it...

…with taking a photo every day

it began as a challenge to myself – a journey on the way to healing - while at the same time beginning a journey to draw closer to the lord and his presence in my life. to find beauty and appreciation in all things around me - to focus on something other than myself and my own circumstances – to see the bigger picture – and to give god glory. an opportunity to share with others what i see - to expand my own perceptions of the world around me.

i have learned about myself, growing in ways i didn’t expect - realizing i have a capacity to see beyond the ordinary. i have an ability to see pictures in pictures – telling stories about those pictures - which others might not perceive at first glance. and hopefully --witness to god’s amazing grace through those stories -- the pictures that have been taken herein. these 4 years have been admittedly fun – fulfilling - have also proved to be healing - on a level i didn’t think possible. thank you to the boffins for making this site a reality – to those of you who continue to visit – my humble journal – perhaps find some delight in what i put forth every day, i am grateful for you - for me – i am continuing to recognize - simple moments will always make for…


happy day…..

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