The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Too much fun...

Slept until 7.30am. Walk, food, packed car with a mattress and bedding and headed over to picked up Bex. IKEA, coffee, mega birthday shop, lunch, Decathlon, Pets at Home, back to Bex's Mum's house to drop off our goodies (bed, bookcase, chest of drawers, beside table, duvet, pillow cases, cutlery, bin, storage boxes...we are GOOD at shopping!) then to Waitrose to buy tea.

Home for a quick dog walk then gin and tonic and crisps, opening birthday presents, followed by Cava with chicken wrapped in bacon & cheese with salad and caramelised onion bread. Birthday carrot cake and hot chocolate. Doctor Who on TV...I loved it and sat still all the way through!...the Embarrassing Bodies...laughed far too much.

Bloody brilliant day. I'm properly relaxed and happy.

Happy 21st Birthday Bex!!!


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