
By grannygrant

What a difference a day makes

I seem to have been knitting this for ages, only one sleeve to go now. When i went to cast it on yesterday I couldn't find the needles. Grrrr.
I started using a circular needle and it is going so much quicker, the sleeve is half done today. I hate straight needles, its official. I will use nothing over 20 cm ever again!
I had a lovely chat with ivy and her mum today and then pops got "polled".
I sometimes wonder who they ask on poles , well now I know. I found out some other things i didn't know, 29 years of marriage is just not long enough to really know another person, hopefully we will have at least another 29 years to really get to know each other.
So thrilled to see Peter Capaldi,when people said they thought he was too old after Mat Smith I told them "the dr's not your boyfriend, he is your grandad" the new Dr said "I'm not your boyfriend" to Clara. I love it when I'm right.

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