Views of my world

By rosamund


I had to listen to my gut this morning and do some unweaving before I could finally get on with this piece. Weaving is the one craft that has taught me patience and perfection, when I was warping the loom I used a 10dpi reed and could tell the yarn was too fat for that so I re-threaded onto a 7.5 which was much better. I then started weaving with a homespun single as I wanted to maintain the length as well as the colour graduation through the yarn as it changed from yellow to orange to red however the single wasn't ideal as weft as it was quite fine and the cloth was looking a bit fragile after the first inch or so. I hadn't touched it for two weeks until this morning when I went back, Navajo plied the yarn and combined it with some of the left over warp yarns and still managed to achieve the desired graduated effect, four hours later it was finished! I've done the photos but I still need to measure and price it before I can post it on etsy tomorrow, my first new item this month!

I had a lovely evening in with the family, we watched Doctor Who, declared Capaldi a genius and generally chilled out. Hoping for a similarly peaceful yet productive day tomorrow.

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