The Pool in the Bush

I've been up on the hills with Elsie and Mia (my neighbour's working dogs) again today. As we made our way up the hill, we took a detour into the creek behind the old cattle shed. This little pool, surrounded by stunning green rocks, drew my eye again (I have shot in this spot before), the overcast sky and drizzle just bringing out the verdant undergrowth amongst the creepers and vines.

I shot this with my Fujifilm X-E1 camera. I'm in love with the little Fuji; it's colour reproduction is amazing, particularly greens when using the Velvia simulation, and its light weight makes it a joy to use when going walkabout. If anything, I'm going to need to look at getting a smaller tripod for it - my huge Induro carbon fibre tripod, whilst light just looks out of scale with the tiny camera on the top!

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