
By DevonDumpling

'Tower of London Remembers'

The Tower of London remembers The First World War...1914 - 2014 Centenary

'Blood swept lands and seas of red' is the title of this wonderful project. An installation by ceramic artist Paul Cummins. Setting by stage designer Tom Piper'
A huge number of volunteers are working away all day at placing the metal rods on the ceramic Poppies that are being made in Leicester...this will go on until 11th November...Remembrance Sunday....and I think by then will be amazing!

We met our family in London...something we like to do occasionally, the Tower of London was first on our agenda. We had our picnic lunch sitting on a bench with a lovely view down the Thames.

We then made our way to the Imperial War Museum..very interesting, but not of much interest to our 4 and 7 year old Grandsons..though they were able to go into the 'Horrible History' gallery . There is a new gallery dedicated to the Holocaust...very interesting with photos, videos and stories. My 13 and 14 year old Grandsons were interested as they have both covered this subject at school.

This evening we walked to Leicester Square for a coffee and fish and chips. (The chips must have been gold plated as the prices were extortionate!)
We sat on a wall by The Odeon Cinema, and noticed that the crowds were gathering. Then out onto the balcony came the new 'Dr. Who' actor Peter Capaldi and his side kick actress Jenna-Louise Coleman. I was able to take some really good photos....but its all too much for todays Blip. My Grandsons were thrilled....people in the crowd were walking around dressed in costumes of the various 'Dr Whos' from the past ....even the Dalek and the Tardis were there being guarded by the police. Great atmosphere and a suprise to finish off the day. They were all there for the premier showing of the first episode on BBC1.

We all said goodbye at the underground station. A good day!

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