Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...

...but not when I takes forever to get there!

We set off at 9:30 this morning to meet grandma & grandad at the beach. It should only have taken just over an hour to get there but after an hour and a half of driving we were nowhere near. The traffic was horrendous and we were nowhere near coast yet. G&G were much further along the road than us and they confirmed our worst nightmare... It was bumper to bumper all the rest of the way. At this point (now past 11 o'clock) we decided to abort mission and grab some lunch somewhere instead. No fish and chips for us today, just a long (slow) drive back home.

Feeling defeated, we came home, got on with the house work and watched kids TV. At least it's the bank holiday tomorrow.

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