Aye Doctor!

After a great night at the circus, D and M headed back south, stopping in Gateshead to watch the Mighty Mariners of Grimsby Town Football Club beat Gateshead 6-1! Hurrah for GTFC!

I took a long nap and then headed out to the Leith Says Aye! mini-festival to find The Spirit of Independence, a Green Goddess fire engine that has been adorned with Stewart Bremner's artwork. I started at the Foot of the Walk and made my way up, stopping at all the stalls for Yes, National Collective, English Scots for Yes and the others along the way. I finally found the Goddess and this lovely woman agreed to pose for me.

I won't bang on about the referendum but suffice it to say that in the 30 odd years I've been going to demos and been involved in politics, I've never seen such a positive, inclusive, uplifting movement as this journey to Yes has been. Long may such political activism continue! As the Minister of St Giles said at the Kirking of the Parliament on the eve of its reconvening back in 1999, politics is far too important to be left to the politicians.

Along the way I ran into Graham who then joined Dr T and me for a pint. He got our only ticket for the last National Collective Fringe event and got to see Billy Bragg. We had tickets to see a Time Lord. The new Doctor Who episode was shown at The Cameo and what a great show it was! I'm going to enjoy Peter Capaldi in his new role.

Home for a rest. :-)

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