Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

To Garden or Not to Garden?

I'm lucky. I know I am. I really do. I'm single, I have a good job and a reasonable income, and very few responsibilities for anything or anyone else. Most people would love the thought of a three day weekend with no plans, but for me, it can leave me feeling lost. I feel I should be making more of my freedom, flying to Europe for the weekend, going to visit friends and family, or going for a 12 mile hike in the Cheviots. Invariably though, I ended up doing my own head in and by the end I can't wait to get back to work.

Both me and garden have taken a battering recently. Me by the ear infection, my garden by the wind and rain. The weather forecast was pretty good today though so, surrendering to the fact I wasn't going to be flying to Rome, I decided to immerse myself in all things gardening. I bought a Gardener's World magazine, got out the encyclopaedias, and pruned, and cut, and planted with a confidence I never imagined I would have when I first moved into the house two years ago. I wish I'd taken before and after shots. When I started the garden looked like it usually does in October, there were so many leaves blown down and plants blown over, but by the time I finished it looked like a respectable summer garden. This is why I bought this house, for a garden that can rescue me from myself. But I am lucky, I know that.

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