Final Ripening

Finally we got a Sunday with a good weather forecast. I set off on the bike this morning under beautiful blue skies but I somehow just couldn't warm to the task - possibly because I was a bit under-dressed. I had plans for a long ride but the legs weren't willing. Or perhaps it was the feet. With the unseasonably cool temperatures they soon got quite cold and that seemed to drain all the energy out me.

Instead of heading up the valley I turned off towards Malham to do the circuit around to Arncliffe. I suppose at 56 hilly miles it's not what most people would consider an easy ride but it felt that way compared to what I had originally thought to do. Once I climbed out of Malham, more or less heading home, my body allowed me to increase the pace a bit, which had the effect of warming me up and breathing new life into the legs. I was flying along for the second half of the circuit.

Lots of harvesting going on in the fields today with rain forecast for the bank holiday tomorrow. Last chance perhaps to grab a shot like this. It was hard to resist.

Deadlines coming up next week so the rest of the day (before passing out this evening) has been spent trying to get some design work done on the software- understanding how hard it is to find time for that kind of thing during the week when there are so many more immediate pressures. At least this part of my job I do still quite enjoy. I'm also hanging on to the hope that I'm still quite good at it. I shall find out at the end of next week.

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