
By BananaInPyjamas


Went to my first GHP prayer meeting at 7:30am!

Meeting with the boys from Boys camp. Very good, there wasn't a set speake, but it was still a good meeting. Although it was mainly about Borneo, since the Borneo 5 (except Sam) spoke, and some others who had gone/going to go spoke too. Spoke to Sam for a little bit, and he sounded like he was coping (which was a good sign!)

We did games in the afternoon, bucketball and parachute games! But one girl badly hurt/broke her elbow and two girls had concussion. But apart from that it was very fun! :)

First bible study in the afternoon! Yay! It was very good, but we were missing one girl from the first day, because she was the one who had hurt her elbow and was in A&E! :)

It was so cool going back to the GHP meeting s as a leader. Because I could defo see the changes that God has done in my life that I hadn't even noticed! :) because going back to GHP made me realise that I can be "confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ Jesus*"! I can see how I have grown so much more confident! :)

I stayed in the manky, old, greeny coloured caravan, you can see in the background with Grace. It was very mouldy! Yuck! :(
The only cool thing about our caravan was that it use to be Surayya's family's caravan! :)

*Philippians 1:6

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