
By BananaInPyjamas

Went to the moors in the morning, with Anna (the boss!) telling all the girls the weather forecast is no rain...That was very wrong! The moors were cold, windy and rainy. I felt sorry for some of the girls since they were wearing shorts and tshirts! So the photo is us all hiding in the shelter of the rocks! :) I do love the Moors, even if the weather isn't great all the time! We found a rock that looked like pride rock from the Lion King! So we were going to do a reinactment of the Circle of life. But it started to rain. Maybe next year...

Jo found us hiding under the rocks to tell us the girls had gone to Widecombe on the minibus (we were originally going to walk) and the minibus was waiting for us. But we decided to walk instead (and later got told off by Anna for leaving the girls! Whoops!)

We arrived at Widecombe and Anna brought us all cream tea/hot chocolate! Which as very yummy! :)

Arrived back at the house. The Reading minibus lost power while coming back (Hannah and Grace), so Anna and I sat on the steps and waiting for them and had a DMC (deep meaningful conversation)!

Bible study! Whoop whoop! :)

Meeting, good like usual! :)

Afterwards Salma, Grace, Ruth and I stayed behind in the meeting room and talked. Mainly about ideas for a skit and laughed a lot. So by the time I got to the dinner room for hot chocolate, I was hyper!
The girls were having a board game evening, so I joined in the game of Legretto! It was mental! :)

Love Ogre duty!

Watched Pitch perfect in the evening/night in the TV room! The singing in the film was BEAUTIFUL, I love harmonies! :)

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