The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Oh No - the rains are here

Today we woke to quite a grey day and decided to hit the road to come back home and snuggle with the girls.

The traffic was a little bit bad but not horrific (well not for me as I snoozed and ate Jelly Bellys). Once we were home we watched a movie called Divergent. I loved it. It was cute as the same actor and actress that played Gus and Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars play a brother and sister in Divergent.

The cats (the girls) have been all snuggly and cuddly today which has been nice - I guess they missed us when we were away. I am about to head off and cook up some spaghetti bolognese but here is my wee Gnome friend showing his dismay for Mono Monday at the grey weather :)

He really needs a name since he is fast becoming my blip buddy.

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