Ukulele Hayley

By Ukulelehayley

Book Worm

What a miserable day. It hasn't stopped raining and I can still hear it lashing down on the roof.

We took the opportunity to start clearing out a couple of the most untidy rooms in the house. D tackled the music room and then we had a go at Poppy's bedroom. Poppy is a complete hoarder (like me). We both hate throwing things away. I like to keep things 'just in case' which means that most of the house is groaning under the weight of clothes, shoes, toys, boxes, bags, paper, old birthday cards etc.

Poppy really wasn't happy about the de-clutter. At one point she started hyperventilating and threw herself on the floor in hysterics, screaming 'get out! get out! ' I was expecting her head to start spinning round at any moment.

We only managed about a tenth of the room but I was successful in tidying her bookshelves and filled a couple of boxes with baby and toddler books for Louis. Poppy now has a lovely little reading corner which she is modelling in the photo.
Still a long way to go but it's a good start!

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