Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Not been across the doors

I have literally not crossed the threshold today. I have been busy at my desk, but the day feels as though it has frittered away.

I spent all morning choosing and editing the 3 prints you see. They were taken when I went on a club outing to Tynemouth in June. You may remember the famous actor in my link!

I had finished my homework and then realised I still had to do prints from 2 assignements, 3 prints on a theme and an AV, all to be handed in next Tuesday. Later today I heard that the assignment prints may not be needed until December.

They are yet to be mounted. The mono photo is printed on different paper from the other two, hence the slight difference in whites. The dog - the Learner Driver - has been placed in front of a different view of Tynemouth than the grey original. All pics were taken on the assignment.

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