
By RobinBanneville

Blurry Mouse

Many thanks for all your good wishes re my speedy recovery from the dreaded lurgy which I mentioned yesterday ...
Unfortunately I woke up this morning with a aches and pains in every muscle and bone in my body, my throat felt like there was a sheet of sandpaper wedged in the back of it and my sore nose was streaming like the Niagara Falls ...
My normal reaction to this type of thing is to work through it, which is exactly what I tried to do today ... I thought that a brisk walk to work might just help and that by mid-day I might have felt a little better ...
That turned out to be a mistake ... After half an hour trying to stand upright and stop myself from passing out, I advised everybody that it mattered to that I was going to make my way back home and go back to bed ... (it was either that or call an ambulance) ...
Nine hours asleep and one cuppa-soup later and I feel about 1% better than I did at 10 o'clock this morning ...
As for the mouse in my blip picture, I managed to catch him earlier on during a short venture out in the garden to get some fresh air ... I'm afraid he's a bit blurry, but he's just reflecting how I feel at the moment ... (ie: lacking anything in the way of focus) ... :o|
Hopefully I'll be able to get some clearer pictures of Mickey and Minnie soon ... :o)
BTW ... For any of you who subscribe to Facebook, you should be able to see a few more pictures of the mouse family here (taken yesterday) ... Mice

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