at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Gleefully gardening

Ivy and I sorted out our raised bed in the back garden today- she was actually very helpful (when she was convinced not to eat the compost) she pulled up some unwanted grass, helped pull a turnip out of the ground (which she then played with and ate for dinner) and generally aerated the soil by digging about. I did take her inside though when she pulled off one of her lovely new boots from her auntyKirsty and buried it...

Rhymetime this morning! I've missed thymetime, Ivy clapped along at almost all the right moments and even did a spot of dancing. She did wander off from time to time to grab a book to request that any avilable adult/ child would read to her, but was mostly impeccably behaved.

We had a hard night with her last night, her 4 tooth had cut through by the morning. She was clearly in a lot of pain, so she slept (well mostly didn't sleep) with me and Euan slept downstairs. I'm exhausted today, Ivy seems okay. I don't know how she does it.

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