at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

A much needed wash

I had a conversation with someone recently about how it is so much easier to bath a baby every night, than try to get their face clean after dinner... (here's an after photo, just to prove we did get her clean)

After a much better night with Ivy, altough she did get up at 6am to play, took her swimming in the morning. She has a new fleecy lined wetsuit that Hannah has outgrown (because Ivy is tiny she can inherit hand-me-downs from babies who are 4 months younger...) that is vivid magenta, and since I couldn't find one of her armbands we borrowed some pink peppa pig ones from the pool- so Ivy looked like a proper pink girly girl, which she never usually does. I found it funny.

She did very well in the pool, altough she kept climbing out to try and get back into the showers which I think she thinks is the best bit.

She was exhausted by the time we got through lunch and she was out like a light when I put her down for a nap, but Tess came to the door half an hour into her nap and she woke up and I couldn't get her back down. I think Ivy thought it was worth it to go present her face to Tess for kissing.

We went for a walk to go get Euan a chain for his new collapsible bike, and on the wya home met Ayesha who was going to the front for icecream. I gave Ivy a bannana to carry down so she'd have something to eat instead of icecream. She kept remindng me and other people that noone had peeled her 'nana'. Ayesha gave her some of her cone, which Ivy pretty much latched onto. Janis who's a child minder who took Ivy once or twice was there with her children, who Ivy launched herself at to be cuddled.

When Euan got home from school, we decided it was probably mojito weather so went to tesco for some rum. Ivy was justr being carried rather than in a carrier, so I set her down by the reduced section and she ran into Emma (my former advance higher pupil)'s arms. Ivy very much believes in taking affection when she wants it.

Gave her thia prawn curry for dinner, it had a fair bit of heat in it since I used 1/2 of one of my teeny tiny unripe chillis. Ivy did okay with it, chomping down more prawns than Euan in teh end, until she got to a really hot bit when I think she got a fright and wouldn't take anymore, so we gave her raspberries and cream to take the heat away.

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