American Adventure

Yay! Our tickets and itinerary for our trip have arrived.
We spent last night reviewing the itinerary as there were quite a few optional excursions that we liked the look of.

We'd planned to do the Canyon plane, boat & helicopter tour & a 'cowboy trail' horse ride into the Nevada hills.

However, I realised last night that a) these are both on the same day and b) the day in question is our 'at leisure' day in Las Vegas.
We both agreed we didn't want to sacrifice a day of exploring the Strip, as that's the one thing we both wanted to see (& do) the most.

All is not lost as we have an overnight stay at the Grand Canyon with an optional 45 minute helicopter tour so we can still view it from the air.

We are also hoping to do a sunrise breakfast at the Canyon (depending how early a start it is!) and another breakfast, via cable car to Mammoth Mountain.

The information we have been sent is clear and has settled a couple of niggles I had about the trip; basically seating arrangements and departure times.

Seats are allocated on a daily basis to ensure all passengers get a fair chance to move around (rather than the same people hogging the same seats every day) and get to know fellow passengers.

Departure times work on the '6,7,8' principle.
We will have a wake up call at 6am every morning; bags have to be outside the room ready for collection at 7am and we have to be on the coach by 8am to ensure a prompt departure.

I feel better knowing this as I expected some days to be much earlier starts; I can cope with these times.

So now all we have to do is wait......!

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