Marquicks by the Sea

By KarenMarquick

Sorry Mr Duck

The weather lately has been rather damp, and we have mostly been at home doing indoor activities. Today's weather was much the same, but we were determined to risk a trip into Christchurch as soon as there was a break in the clouds.

We headed out after lunch and decided to take some old bread to feed the ducks. Isabella throws in large chunks, which tends to mean the duck squabble, Oliver breaks his piece up into tiny pieces, taking his time to make sure every duck gets a nibble, and Samuel chose to feed a pigeon that was begging at his feet.

After stopping to feed the ducks we continued walking alongside the river back into Christchurch. Part way we spotted some more ducks and this fine chap came out of the water to pose for a photo.

Isabella then said "we haven't got any more bread, Sorry Mr Duck".

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