Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


The police visited me tonight to ask for my opinion on the community police team. Only they asked me to fill in a form that was full of mistakes and generally bad questions so they got it back covered in corrections...hopefully it is helpful to them! They wanted to know what I thought they should focus their efforts on tackling. They had a list of lots of things but I thought it was hard to answer, I don't know what the biggest problems locally are. One option was wildlife crime and I have no idea what that encompasses to be honest. Another was youths being disruptive (grrr older people are disruptive too). Car crime, speeding, theft etc were choices too. I'm not sure how you prioritise crimes.

I got a fright when I saw them coming towards my house out the window and spilled soup down my front so I totally blame them for my clumsiness and the mess. They are probably laughing at the girl with soup down her front who corrected spelling, grammar and question writing in their survey. I'm not perfect on any of those but its important if you are handing things out to the public they are correct I think.

They didn't want me though. Was worried my policeman hat stealing from a fortnight ago had caught up with me. (I gave it back.)

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