Autumn Clean!

This blip summed up my main requirement today: caffeine.

Angus and I merrily quaffed a bottle of red with our 'posh' dinner last night. We then stayed up watching the MTV music awards from the other night heckling all the acts and generally being a bit tiddly.

Audrey has been waking late recently so we were quite late to bed.


Audrey woke before 6am.

It hurt.

The house is in chaos at the moment with upstairs being painted etc. and we had a chaotic morning trying to keep Audrey amused (she was so so tired), fix the internet, sort through paperwork, take trips to the skip with rubbish - not to mention get ready for our work days!

Mum and Dad arrived and took her off our hands and we were so pleased to see them. They took her a walk but she was beyond tired so she was brought back for a much needed nap.

I gave Angus a lift into town and did some work in Spinngfields. When I got home, I decided the house was a tip so after Audrey and I had been to the park, I set about tidying it and having another chuck out! Nevermind the Spring clean, it's all about the Autumn clean these days!!!!

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