what we did today...

By SarnieV


Today has been a busy one. A traumatic drop off at school as D didn't think he should have to go to school anymore as it is rubbish as you don't get to play enough. He has a point. Sadly for him, he still has to go. He doesn't want to accept this and was peeled off me while he screamed and clung to me shouting to be allowed to just go home. He was exceedingly cross. I was very grateful to some lovely friends who gave me coffee and a sympathetic ear after this.

I've then spent the day collecting and dropping off, supporting play dates and doing chores. I've got to the end of the day with no blip. So this image is of one of my pet hates - peaches that go mouldy before they ripen. It always happens, it's rubbish! I might start trying to grow my own in my greenhouse, they can't be any worse than shop bought ones!

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