what we did today...

By SarnieV

August in a snap!

I think this photo captures the end of August quite aptly, the last of the summer lavender and a rainbow. All day it has been much warmer, more like summer and then, in an instant, autumn wind and heavy driving rain appeared as if from nowhere. And now it's glorious sun again!
D was still not convinced that school was a good thing today. A dropped him off in the hope that novelty of Daddy doing the school run would usurp the misery of having to go to school. A said it was touch and go, but D did go in by himself begrudgingly. My friend's little girl is very happy going to school, she plays schools at home so it's just like her games come true. If someone suggested D go to starwars school I'm sure he'd be much more convinced! Perhaps I shall start a game where he pretends he is off to learn to be a Jedi...

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